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28 de julio de 2023 0 Comments

The sunk cost fallacy incorporates investor emotions that cause otherwise irrational decision-making. Sunk costs also cover certain expenses that are committed but yet to paid. Imagine a company that has entered into a

14 de abril de 2021 0 Comments

In most cases, liability and revenue accounts increase with a credit entry. Accounting and bookkeeping software requires each journal entry to post an equal dollar amount of debits and credits. To understand

22 de enero de 2021 0 Comments

Another argument favoring classifying bad debt as a non-operating expense is that bad debt comes from lending money to their customers, and they are unlikely to get it back. However, it also reduces

9 de noviembre de 2020 0 Comments

At this stage, the bond issuer would pay the maturity value of the bond to the owner of the bond, whether that is the original owner or a secondary investor. For risk-adverse investors,